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Proofreading and Copy Editing Services


Hear from people I've worked with.

Calendar Kids

Rebecca has been a tremendous help with editing the past three children's books I have written. She is always so easy to work with. Rebecca is both professional and prompt in her responses. She has always had fair prices with a quick turnaround time as well. She catches all of my errors and even makes me aware of other issues I was unaware of. I will definitely be using Rebecca again in the future!

Copy By Becca was fantastic to work with. We had a tight January deadline and she responded to the challenge. We loved the feeling of confidence that there were no mistakes in our final publication when we shared with others. The clean and crisp flow of words in our document have garnered praise from all who have read it. Many thanks to Copy By Becca for making our publication a top-notch document.

Maurice M.
Calendar Kids

I hired Copy by Becca for a copyediting service of my short story. She did a phenomenal job! I did not expect her to be so thorough. Her feedback made me want to develop my protagonist more. I think that improved my story. Then Becca threw in a proofreading service, which was next on my list to self-publication. Ultimately, it was her degree in Creative Writing that made me choose her out of pages upon pages of copyeditors. I will not hesitate to use her services in the future!

Thank you, Becca, for doing a wonderful job of proofreading our letter. The corrections were easy to understand. Your suggestions made the wording of the letter much better. We appreciate that you responded and did the correction so quickly.

Sarah H.

Becca is my go to for all things grammar. For years my important documents and emails and resumes have been sent to her for a look over. If this wasn’t my recommendation of her I might even have her look it over! She never lets me down!

Stephanie M.


I can help you at any stage of your manuscript.

Here's the deal for you, dear writer. You have toiled and agonized. You have put your blood, sweat, and tears into your project. You have been working for so long, and so hard, into writing your piece that it has become your petulant child: You love it so dearly that you can't see past the kicking and screaming temper tantrum it's throwing.

That is where I come in. I offer various editing services for whatever suits your needs. As an outsider looking in, I can see objectively where your writing may need a little bump. I'll spot an error on your page that-even in your thousandth careful reread-you may have somehow missed.

The general pricing varies based on the length and type of project. For each editing service I provide, I will give your writing a minimum of two full reads. Contact me so we can chat and figure it out together.

When I edit your work, be it an email, essay, newsletter, or your future bestseller, my main goal is to make it sound polished, but more importantly, I will keep your voice. These are your words, not mine, and this is the most important thing to keep intact. When I make a suggestion, it's important for you to know that it's merely a suggestion. You don't have to accept all of my changes.

If you want to make sure our ideas align, send me a paragraph or two and I will review it for free. We need to make sure that working together is a good match. You and I are a team in this.

For reference, I rely on the 18th Edition of Chicago Manual of Style for a guide, and I use Merriam-Webster for the dictionary. When the need arises, I will also create a style guide specific to your piece to maintain consistency. For questions or more information, drop me a line. I'm always happy to help.

Beta Reading

Beta readers share thoughts on your piece. We offer advice on how to strengthen your story, and we point out what works and what doesn't. I'll read it, and I'll send you an evaluation of your manuscript.

Developmental Editing

This is a big-picture look at your manuscript. I will point out parts in your story where readers may get confused, where the plot and/or character development doesn't line up, and I'll suggest general changes that strengthen your work. This doesn't include copyediting (although I will fix any egregious errors that I spot). Keep in mind that I'm not rewriting your piece - it's still all yours. We will have an ongoing exchange, and I will guide you through suggestions.

Copy Editing

Copy editing is a more substantive edit. I edit for grammar, sentence structure, and freshen up your piece. I will go through, line by line, to make sure every word works with the ones prior and subsequent.


Proofreading is a closer look. This happens after the copy edit stage. I'll make sure errors weren't introduced in your revision and confirm that punctuation, capitalization, and spelling are all correct.